It is the story of Mark Zuckerberg, the man who created the social network facebook. There are millions of users in this site. He is really an extremely bright fast talking Harvard student always looking for a way to impress his peers. In the school, they offer Mark the opportunity to code a Harvard specific networking site which he accepts. Mark was inspired that’s why he wants to make his own website with the help of his friend Eduardo. He gave the financials needs for the site but the two has different idea on running it. From there Mark and Eduardo’s friendship begins a downward spiral with the addition of Sean Parker to the team, and the persistence of the Winklevoss’ anger towards Mark hijacking their idea. The social network obviously is not an action blockbuster, therefore does not rely on elaborate action set pieces to move from scene to scene. Instead what it relies on is the slick and smart script adapted by Aaron Sorkin. It’s full of some really funny jokes, subtle humor, complicated computer jargon and effective drama. It also weaves aspects early on that are called back later on including a bit that gets referred to often about animal cruelty. The film chronicles the creation of the world’s largest social networking website and also pokes fun at the obsession that people exhibit with the site, such as over reacting to a relationship status, the quickness and frequency at which news and rumors travel and our obsession with checking to see if someone as befriended us after we’ve requested them.
The social network takes a story with the potential of being mundane and exponentially boring and tells it with such skill and flare that it feels explosive. It’s anchored by strong performances, engaging drama and sophisticated humor. The film deserves to be called a must see and should be enjoyed by Facebook junkies and anti networking folks alike.